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become a member

Yes, The Otter Project can count on me in the battle to stop the destruction of sea otters! I support The Otter Project’s aggressive direct action efforts to STOP and REVERSE the decline of California’s sea otters.

Click here to become a member.

  • $25 – Individual (You will receive the newsletter, email updates and action alerts as benefits)
  • $35 – Sustainer (You will receive the newsletter, email updates and action alerts as benefits)
  • $50 – Recovery Leader (For your contribution of $50 or more you will receive all Sustainer benefits plus a beautiful full-color sea otter poster suitable for framing. This poster will serve as a daily reminder of our rich wildlife heritage, and how tragic it be to lose it. The poster makes an excellent gift too.)
  • $100 – Benefactor (Enjoy the benefits of the Recovery Leader plus recognition in our newsletter)
  • $200 – Sea Otter Champion (Enjoy the Benefactor benefits plus name recognition as a “day sponsor” for MPA watch)
  • $500 and above – Sea Otter Sponsor (Enjoy the benefits of the Sea Otter Champion plus recognition in our annual report)

The Otter Project gratefully accepts any contribution. All contributions are 100% tax deductible.

Click here to become a member.

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