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current issues

Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board approves nation’s toughest regulation on agricultural run-off. Photo by Steve Shimek


Tell the California State Water Quality Control Board that you support the new Agricultural run-off regulations:

Water quality in our streams and rivers directly affects the health of humans and otters alike. For the last three years The Otter Project has been a leader in the creation of the most stringent agricultural run-off regulations in the country. On March 15, 2012 the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board made the unanimous decision to put into place the nation’s toughest regulation on agricultural run-off. A coalition of farm bureaus and grower-shipper associations wants the State Water Control Board to overturn the new regulations on agricultural run-off. Let the State Water Control Board know that you support the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board’s decision to clean up Big-Ag’s toxic flow into our water.


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